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PEUGEOT 106. 1991 to 2002 (J registration onwards). Petrol & Diesel. Service and Repair Manual. Includes Roadside Repairs and MOT Test Checks.

©"Haynes Publishing". 2002.
ISBN: 1-85960-934-1
Твердый переплет. 368 стр.
Язык: Английский (English)
Артикул 556003

Models covered by this Manual:
Peugeot 106 Hatchback models, including Rallye and special / limited editions.
Petrol engines: 1.0 litre (954cc), 1.1 litre (1124cc), 1.3 litre (1294cc), 1.4 litre (1360cc) & 1.6 litre (1587cc), including 16-valve.
Diesel engines: 1.4 litre (1360cc) & 1.5 litre (1527cc).
Inside this Manual:
Basic maintenance - simple weekly checks; Service your car - complete step-by-step guide; Fault finding - pinpoint specific problems easily; Roadside Emergencies - how to deal with them; Pass the MOT - step-by-step test checks; Reference section - includes a detalied glossary; Braking system - safety checks and repairs; Fuel and ignition systems - explanied; Electrical system - fault finding and repairs; Engine - tune-up, minor and major repairs; Wiring diagrams - easy-to-follow layout; Fully indexed - find information quickly.
Written from hands on experience, based on the stripdown and rebuild of a Peugeot 106 using commonly-available tools.
Haynes Hints give valuable tips and short-cuts that help make the job easier. Tool Tips contain useful information such as ways of removing parts without using special tools.
Spanner ratings grade all tasks by difficulty and experience level. From easy servicing jobs for the novice to difficult tasks for the expert.
Step-by-step instructions clearly linked to hundreds of photos and illustrations show you how to do each job.

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Краткое описание позиции составлено на основании материалов, предоставленных соответствующим издательством!
556003 - PEUGEOT 106, с 1991 по 2002 г., бензин/дизель (H1882) ©"Haynes Publishing". 2002.

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