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ТЕМА:       RE: Ford Zeta 1994
АВТОР:     CHIEFF, 06.07.2007 02:39:49


??????? ????? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ?????, ??? Ford Zeta ??? ?????????. ???????? ??????????? - [ ] - Developed in the late 1980s by the Ford Motor Company, the Ford Zeta engine was a straight-4, double overhead cam internal combustion engine with which Ford had intended to replace the analogous Pinto and CVH models.Ford designed the Zeta to share some parts with other Ford engine developments at the time, including the smaller Sigma I4 and Duratec V6. This engine shares its bore and stroke dimensions with the 2-valve CVH engine. Ford Power Products sells the Zeta in 1.8 L and 2.0 L versions as the MVH. Production of the engines, renamed Zetec, began at Ford's Bridgend plant in South Wales in September of 1991, with later production added at Cologne, Germany in 1992 and Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1993. The first Zetecs displaced 1.8 L, with a 2.0 L version arriving quickly afterwards. The final Zeta Zetec was produced on December 10, 2004 at the Bridgend factory with over 3,500,000 built at that location. The engine fits the Ford T9, Cd4E and MTX-75 gearboxes using the same bell bolt pattern as the Crossflow.

<< ПРЕДЫДУЩАЯ ТЕМА:  ?????? ?????? - ?????, 21.06.2007 20:09:20
  • Ford Zeta 1994 - Gozya, 16.06.2007 14:16:30
    • RE: Ford Zeta 1994 - CHIEFF, 06.07.2007 02:39:49
>> СЛЕДУЮЩАЯ ТЕМА:  ????? - ???????, 04.05.2007 19:40:01

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